newmans own organics royal tea natural black tea
Somewhere in Pa's mind, he harbors a long standing belief that he comes from nobility. Fortunately for all of us, long and illustrious careers in movies and racing and a philanthropic food company have served to suppress his "royal" curiosity. Then, a couple of months ago, my Mom noticed his new penchant for adding "Fit for a King" to every request he made. He bought a two bit scepter at a tag sale which he pounds every time he wants a "scribe" or "attendant" to fetch him something. These and other "proclamations" have worn out the royal fan base at home. So I am asking, no I am pleading, for your support of our Royal Tea program. Right now I have him convinced that if our tea is a hit with his minions, it will only be a matter of time before the sages confirm his nobility and he ascends his rightful throne. So Godspeed to the check out line! His perilous princess, Nell
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